Monday, November 23, 2009


Look. You're using WIndows. You use the internet. You go to WoW websites. Some sites are going to be perfectly reputable, some are not. It doesn't matter - because all WoW related websites can get hacked to install keyloggers on your PCs. Hackers look for any way to get in because there is money in this. People buy gold, using REAL money. So, there's REAL money in hacking guilds and toons. Chances are that you're going to get hacked at some point. Even the most PC literate people are vulnerable, because players have don't have a financial stake in protecting their toons while hackers make money messing with toons, thus put more tim and effort into it. More often that not it's an organization of people working full time jobs to hack/farm/steal.
Also, I think anybody who has a toon in an old guild like Slashcamp is targeted. Yes, the hackers research guilds on the Armory and target people.

So, what can you do? It's simple and relatively cheap: get an authenticator from You can get a $7 free-standing authenticator for your keychain or you can download and install a $1 authenticator on your cellphone. They're available for iPhones, Blackberries and several others.

So, go to, click on the link then plug in your cell phone information. You might be able to install a free one right away. Check your model here:

Please note that I will not be taking tickets out for guild bank recovery any more. You don't protect your account and the guild bank gets ninjad and all our hard work is flushed down the toilet? Well, it's a shame isn't it? Especially after a very easy, inexpensive solution has been spelled out.

ARD Beam