Sunday, April 6, 2008

Guild Guide

I think there should be some kind of guild expectations or some way to say what's right or not. Please let me know what you think. It's our guild. - Ardent.


Guildies create a kick ass, great guild by:
...being nice. (Considerate, forgiving, helpful, tolerant, polite etc.);
...indulging our warped senses of humor;
...pooling resources to make raid, group and solo play better for each other;
...being choosy in who we let in;
...insisting on independence in leveling and gold;
...remembering that warcraft a social game first and foremost. The point is to do the things that make it possible for nice people to have a kick ass good time playing.

Chat: Keep it positive. Welcome people and make damned sure you celebrate leveling or any good news! Praise in public, criticize in private. Guild chat doesn't have to be clean. Guild chat DOES have to be free of mean things and mean people. Just don't be an ass.

Bank: put more in than you take out. simple.

Loot: avoid hard feelings by being clear up front and making sure everyone agrees: Greed on green, wait to click NEED on blue. Make sure you know what the item is, if it's a mainspec upgrade and that everyone in the group is on the same page. Discuss. Upgrades for a class or profession are a need, if no one can upgrade then everyone /roll for the item or disenchanted materials. DON'T CLICK NEED AT THE FIRST POP UP. MISTAKES THAT CAN'T BE FIXED CAN HAPPEN THERE! Wait, the window will still be there when you're done yakking about it with your crew.

Leveling: questing /instance running/ with anyone more than a few levels higher than you is usually coddling. Unless there is a specific need for toon of certain level and running it is the only way to get it where we need it, then guildies should level on their own. If you want to help someone you might want to: Watch them play and coach 'em on improving their skills; teach them how to recruit a group in the level/zone they're in; or find someone who can help. (Sometimes a higher level person is needed to round out a small group. For example, 3 level 57's and a 70 running Scholo. probably isn't coddling). And sometimes, we know someone knows how to play and helping them level isn't retarding them. Just do what's best for them in the long run.

Recruits: anybody who wants to join has to be looked over first. Anyone in the guild can invite, but should be pretty choosy when they do. The guildies should push HARD to find out how mature & cool the person is. Without being obvious, ask them things about their lives that will indicate if:  they've ever had a job, if they have kids, have ever been frustrated by stupid people in groups/dungeons and finally, if they've ever been convicted of jaywalking or misdemeanor mopery.

Rules: the fewer the better. Suspect those who appear overly fond of rules. 

The Uber Edict:  Don't be an ass.  We know one when we see one. 


frill said...

I like these rules and I like Blogger better than having a guild forum. :)

Derek said...

I like this too :)...but i have an issue with the last rule...where does that leave me and brandon :(

ARD Beam