Monday, November 23, 2009


Look. You're using WIndows. You use the internet. You go to WoW websites. Some sites are going to be perfectly reputable, some are not. It doesn't matter - because all WoW related websites can get hacked to install keyloggers on your PCs. Hackers look for any way to get in because there is money in this. People buy gold, using REAL money. So, there's REAL money in hacking guilds and toons. Chances are that you're going to get hacked at some point. Even the most PC literate people are vulnerable, because players have don't have a financial stake in protecting their toons while hackers make money messing with toons, thus put more tim and effort into it. More often that not it's an organization of people working full time jobs to hack/farm/steal.
Also, I think anybody who has a toon in an old guild like Slashcamp is targeted. Yes, the hackers research guilds on the Armory and target people.

So, what can you do? It's simple and relatively cheap: get an authenticator from You can get a $7 free-standing authenticator for your keychain or you can download and install a $1 authenticator on your cellphone. They're available for iPhones, Blackberries and several others.

So, go to, click on the link then plug in your cell phone information. You might be able to install a free one right away. Check your model here:

Please note that I will not be taking tickets out for guild bank recovery any more. You don't protect your account and the guild bank gets ninjad and all our hard work is flushed down the toilet? Well, it's a shame isn't it? Especially after a very easy, inexpensive solution has been spelled out.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Another change! I've handed over GL to DrHealz/Toniomontana at Slashraid. My personality is not suited to being a leader in the Slashraid effort, and I didn't want to be the one fucking up what other people were building. It's not a "I h8 U" thing or anything like that. People in Slashcamp are welcome to have toons in Slashraid and vice versa.

Whichever guild your toon is in, when on that toon you'll have different expectations of you. I'll manage the expectations or lack thereof in Slashcamp, and the Slashraiders will manage the expectations over there. Neither way is better, it's just about what environment is best for you. Some people are fine with both sets of expectations and attitudes, others aren't.

In order to allow the different environments to flourish, I think it's best that they do so independently. I've turned off the Guild2Guild mod in Slashcamp. I've added folks from Slashraid to my friends list and hope they do the same. You can always do a /who Slashcamp or /who Slashraid to see who is on.

I think we'll see continued success and awesomeness from both guilds!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Slashcamp & Slashraid

-this is a work in progress-

Slashcamp has expanded to include a raiding guild. Slash is what I call the conglomerate of Slashcamp and Slashraid. The are several reasons for this, but it boils down to this: a lot of Slashcampers want to see Ulduar, without destroying Slashcamp. Slashcampers can and will raid with Slashraiders, however, not as a matter of course. Some hardcore raiders will stay in Slashcamp, but will be a part of the regular Slashraid schedule. Some hardcore raiders will never set foot in Slashcamp.

Ulduar is an order of magnitude tougher than anyone has seen before. Naxxramas is entry level raiding, Raiding 1.0.. It’s possible to carry people through Naxx. Ulduar is not like that, Ulduar is Raiding 2.0 and very tough.
We want to make Ulduar possible, and that’s what Slashraid is about. Slashraid will build raid teams designed to meet the challenge of Ulduar. The teams will be built with these things in mind: Class & spec, player ability, and gear.

In raiding 2.0 each raid must be run in a disciplined fashion. In a raid, the Raid Leader must be able to speak without being interrupted and must be able to issue instructions that are followed competently and promptly. It's a team effort conducted in a hectic environment -- there must be discipline or it will fail. Slashcamp's antiestablishment attitude runs counter to that. Slashraid will have a more traditional raiding structure, including ranks and leadership positions. Also, criticism will be public when in a raid. Getting “called out” is needed, so everyone can learn from your mistakes. However, calling people out must be done properly*.

The Leaders of Slashraid will be able to focus on recruiting people who suit the raid best. Slashcamp is all about people first, have fun -- so what if we wipe, we’ll get it next time. Be patient and give people the benefit of the doubt, skills will come along eventually. Slashraid will be about effort, skills and team play first. Slashraiders must be a student of their class/ spec and strive to play their toon to their very best. In a nutshell: Slashcampers are patient with skills. Slashraiders are patient with personality; that patience is not infinite.

My challenge to the leaders of Slashraid: Bring the best parts of Slashcamp's personality to Slashraid: take care of people, give people the benefit of the doubt, don't be an ass and don't tolerate incorrigable assholes. Slashraid should be a fun, nice place to be. Raiding should be fun, not a chore or heartache.

Does this mean Slashraiders are free to be assholes? NO. If you’re the kind of intellectually lazy person who can’t use their middle school vocabulary to say things without humiliating others AND refuse to learn how to speak decently to others then you don’t belong anywhere besides "A Guild By And For Assholes".

It used to be that to get into Karazhan you had to be "keyed". The process of getting keyed made everyone go through certain heroics. During that process people got geared, learned how to work as team and how to really play their toons well. Back then, crowd control was required -- tanks didn't aggro everything and hold it. By the time someone was keyed they were generally fit to set foot in the door. Not always, but generally. To be in Slashraid, you need to be "keyed", or meet the following standards. Don’t ask to get into Slashraid have not met the following requirements:

A) Be.Imba.Hu PVE gear score of 400+, minimum.
B) You must have run with the leadership of Slashraid through heroics and or Naxx first. Thy need to see how you play.
C) You must commit to a schedule and follow it. Reliable attendance is mandatory.
D) A stable PC and internet connection.
E) Install and use any addons as required by the leaders of Slashraid.
Ultimately, you must be assessed by the Slashraid Leadership to be invited. Take responsibility for your skill and gear. Visit and learn about your class/spec. Visit Be.Imba.Hu to rate your gear and find out where to upgrade. Check out WowWiki for information on the fights and bosses. Don't make other people have to tell what you what you should already know to be a hardcore raider.

* Calling Out: Calling out people should never happen in Guild Chat. Ever. Guild Chat is sacred and must be kept positive.
In a Raid group calling out should be done by the Raid leaders for the most part. When calling people out, focus on what they did wrong. Criticize the actions, not the person. Describe the correct behaviour.
Wrong: HuntardJoe, you fucking idiot, you fucking stood too fucking close to the tank and he got blocked. L2P, you failmonster. FUCK!
Right: FUCK! HuntardJoe, we wiped because you stood too close to the tank and he got blocked. Next time you need to stand 10 yards away from the tank and from anyone else. I know you can do this, we'll get it next time. Focus!

More Information Still To Come:
Shared Guild Chat
Chat Channels
Calendaring and Teams
Slashraid rules etc.

ARD Beam